Wednesday, October 17, 2018


"Once in a while, we meet people by chance and sometimes, no matter how difficult, we leave them by choice."

This is the story of porcupines when the Ice Age came and porcupines had to find a way to survive.
At first they decided to group together to keep warm and protect one another.
Unfortunately, their spiky quills made it uncomfortable to stay in such close proximity, so they dispersed.
Of course, this left them exposed to the elements and they started to freeze to death until they realized that they needed to make a significant choice.
Stay apart and die, or tolerate and accept their fellow porcupine's thorns and survive.
Wisely, they chose to stay together, knowing that the small wounds that they received from each other were worth it in the end.
We’re porcupines!
We are prickly and so often find a way to offend and take offense to those around us.
Sometimes, it can become so unbearable that we wish we could live in isolation, protected from the barbs of others.
Alas, we are created to be social beings and being left alone only decreases our standard of living.
The next time you are hurt by the prickly nature of one of your fellow porcupines, remember that you have spiked as well and can be just as challenging to live with. Now the choice is yours you want to stay apart and die alone or tolerate and accept your fellow throne which pokes you.
Let’s learn to live with the sharp quills of others and hope and pray that those around us can learn to live with ours. A good day will come because of you deserve them.
'Bitter is choice, grateful is choice. The choice is yours chose well.'

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